As a mum of 3 young leaders, I wear many hats. Teacher. Partner. Entrepreneur. I am a student who is always learning, more so from what life keeps on delivering to us and teaching us how to manage ourselves through economical and social unrest. I am a leader on a journey for continued growth and transformation.
When you look into your own 'downs' in life, then you know on which topics you have really become an expert in.
We can all tap into that transformation and that is why I am so passionate about the work I deliver as an Executive Coach teaching LEADERSHIP MOMENTUM.


Profiling Values (Firo-B Certification, 2020)
Process Communication Model® -Certified Trainer (Kahler Communications, Inc. 2019)
Systemic Consulting & Organizational Development-(Institute EAST, 2019)
Certified Trainer and Coach (Thomas International, 2017)
Facial expression resonance trainer (Académie Eilert de l'Intelligence Emotionnelle, France 2017)
Kirkpatrick Bronze Certified (Kirkpatrick Partners, LLC 2016)
Gender Mainstream Studies (WU Executive Academy, 2007)
DiSC® Certified Professional( Inscape Partners, 2005)
Gender Mainstream (BIT Management, 2004)
​Resonance Coach (CMC Company Dr. Kutschera, 2004)
Life Coach and Social Councelor (1997)